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Improving Plantar Fasciitis Condition with "Cable Toe Pressdown Holds" Exercise
I’m going to start this blog post with simply saying that you really don’t want to have this chronic condition as your feet gets inflamed if you stand too long on your feet too long and to...
Formula Creation after a month of Incline Front Raises, Bench Press, and Shoulder Press
For a month, I was doing incline front raises as my main front deltoid isolation exercise with the pursuit of improving the 1RM of bench press as well as to find out if its reliable and if there’s...
(Triceps) Is lateral head exercises a substitute for long head exercise?
There are a plethora of triceps isolation exercises and each one hits all three heads with a distribution of emphasis depending on the exercises. For example, overhead tricep extensions will work the...
Impact using incline front raises
For the past two years, I’ve started to favor isolation exercises over compound exercises for a few reasons. I favor isolation exercises its basically one muscle that you’re stimulating and...
Personal Tactics in overcoming bench press plateau (part 1)
Disclaimer: The calculations are estimates based on my lifts and also on a single website: Other website used: Spoiler: My bench...
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